Our first workshop, titled "Empowering Albanian Futures - From Beginnings to Achievements" and held in the form of a webinar was a great success! Our panelists, Kristel Tupja Barnett, Arlind Kamberi and Erka Tana shared with the participants their exciting journeys and gave insights based on their respective fields of study and expertise.
The engagement and intereaction during the webinar were incredible, which created an atmosphere that was professional, but also friendly.
This was only the first workshop of Albanian Trailblazers - unique opportunities like this will be coming again in the future!
You can view the recording of the webinar through this link: https://mit.zoom.us/rec/share/59JBL5dxt4sMVTzMBoN9AjusTHYhnLhHRR0gC232ejftjaAObQ2jOY4qE1ms1KvN.YIk1uOTdAWP6tTbr